
  • 《裸体主义的未来》(重新上传)
  • 韦国清和波尔布特2,894字1355,895
  • 韦国清和波尔布特3,608字1448,601
  • 《裸体主义的未来》
  • 《裸体主义的未来》
  • 政治局的一己之见
  • 芩灵
  • 芩灵
  • 克里姆林宫:铁幕1985/Kremlin: The Iron Curtain 1985
  • 历史逻辑:竹幕
  • 克里姆林宫:铁幕1985/Kremlin: The Iron Curtain 1985
  • 克里姆林宫:铁幕1985/Kremlin: The Iron Curtain 1985

    Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince

    Government forces broadcast the news of Duvalier's escape to the rebels and pledged to hold democratic elections with a call for a ceasefire.
    The rebels soon responded with their own call for an end to the war and a cease fire, as well as the release of all political prisoners.
    The government and the rebels have so far failed to achieve their objectives.
    General Henri Nanfi established the "National Ruling Council" to impose a military government. Its stated purpose is to restore law and order, but critics see it as a temporary measure to prevent an all-out uprising.
    Soviet military adviser Ivanovich and Archbishop Jean-Bertrand Aristide disagree on a cease-fire in Haiti. The Archbishop favors one, while the Soviet Union says there must be a complete halt to fighting, but the possibility of a cease-fire is not entirely ruled out.
    "We cannot stop fighting! The elections dominated by the U.S. are sham elections, which will only lead to the monopolization of elections through bribery by those who monopolize capital under Duvalier's ministry. We must continue the revolution by force to establish a new regime." Ivanovich said as he stared at Archbishop Aristide in his office.
    General Nanfi is said to be considering both the Soviet Union's demands and the Archbishop's suggestion.
    In any case, both sides are preparing for war.
  • 克里姆林宫:铁幕1985/Kremlin: The Iron Curtain 1985
  • 克里姆林宫:铁幕1985/Kremlin: The Iron Curtain 1985
  • 克里姆林宫:铁幕1985/Kremlin: The Iron Curtain 1985
    The capitalist is a poor blind man who can't see the truth and freedom behind us. Not now, but under a new social and economic form of socialism to achieve a better life for working people. The best social form will surely win. Our working people will always be the vast majority. Socialism is the requirement of the times and the future. The road to communism is long and hard, but we have the will and the knowledge to complete it.
    The Soviet Union has been a beacon of light to the world for over sixty years. We're not perfect, and we're getting better, but we have a long road ahead in which to perfect our methods. The path that we have chosen is a path of social justice and progress for all mankind. We are also convinced that Albania will develop together with the Soviet Union and other socialist countries! But we will never forget the path that we have chosen. We will never bow to the path of neo-liberal greed! We will never abandon those who are weaker than ourselves!
    We will continue to build a strong, prosperous, and peaceful nation that will be a model for the world to emulate. For real truth and freedom! Long live socialism! Long live the workers! Long live the revolution!
    Long live our great nation, Albania!"
  • 克里姆林宫:铁幕1985/Kremlin: The Iron Curtain 1985
    This chapter is divided into two pages, in Chinese and English, in that order.
    Rather than being defeated by the United States, the collapse of the Soviet Union was the result of the Soviet ruling class betraying the Soviet Union and devouring it so that it could become a capitalist, and that interest was all the state assets of the superpower of the Soviet Union. This higher bargaining chip was so lucrative that all the bureaucrats fell to it.
    The state coffers were empty, and the nation's credit cards maxed out. All of the nation's wealth was concentrated in the hands of a few wealthy bloodsuckers.
    The pioneer girls of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union who grew up under the Red Flag were cheated and trafficked for euros, pounds, and dollars to underground brothels or private ownership in Western and Southern Europe, where some were rescued by the police and others disappeared from the world forever.
    While the majority of the proletariat, peasants, and the middle class starved and struggled in the global market turmoil, the new rulers of Russia, the new market players of the post-Soviet Union, lived a life of luxury.
  • 克里姆林宫:铁幕1985/Kremlin: The Iron Curtain 1985
    This chapter is divided into two pages, in Chinese and English, in that order.

    Malinkev angrily said, "The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer under your rule. This isn't what our glorious revolution was founded upon!"
    "Not really, I just let the heads of the companies demutualize the SOEs to make them shareholders of the companies so that they can prevent them from selling out the SOEs. Also, this will continue public ownership to prevent them from trying to privatize. The rich are getting richer, because they are being rewarded for their work to better the people's lives. If the rich are getting richer, then the poor are getting richer as well by necessity. We all need to work to survive, that's the only way the economy works."
    Molotov looked up and stared at Romanov and said, "How do you prevent the heads of these enterprises from monopolizing the wealth?"
    "I never trusted these people, they would get rich one after another for the next fifteen years then work hard for corporate profit, and then be arrested and executed by the KGB and the Supervisory Commission for corruption and their property confiscated."
    "You're over-reacting, Comrade Molotov. We can trust these leaders."
    Kaganovich interrupted, "Trust them? They've been more loyal to their private interests than the Party, and so have their predecessors who were loyal for so many years to the former government during the time of the White Terror. We need to continue to revitalize the Party line, to prevent these egomaniacs from dominating the Party once they've already dominated the state."
    "I can't accept this. But we'll stop them, the economy is a slave to politics." As Romanov finished, Tregubova carried several cups of coffee and placed them in front of him. He thanked her and continued. "Of course, to avoid renewed exploitation and oppression of workers and peasants. We will definitely not undertake privatization and market economy transformation, but the lagging nature and lack of competitiveness of the Soviet command planned economy must be addressed. That is why the Party will try to pursue an intensively technically planned economy under the Leningrad model of development."
  • 《皇牌明日:突击泰拉地平线》