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    师生paro,莱老师年龄操作,看到橘哥初中生以后的脑洞大开。两边都是变态。背德文学+熊孩子文学,现实生活请勿模仿。 学制乱炖,时空紊乱,架空缝合怪,反正哪哪都离谱,很雷。 被调教的是橘同学,被插入的是莱老师。所以还是打了互攻的两个tag,不能接受请自行跳过。 推荐阅读《透明性》(Transparency),作者Colin Rowe 和 Bernhard Hoesli,中文译者金秋野。当然不看也没关系。 Translation Guidance 越前龙雅→Echizen Ryoga 莱茵哈特→Reinhart Teacher-student paro.Ralph age operation.Junior high school student Ryoga inspired me! Academic system stew, time and space disorder, overhead stitching monster, anyway, where are outrageous. The one being tuned is Ryoga, the one being inserted is Reinhart. So I have no idea it's Ralryoga or Ryogaral.I'll warn you before sex description. Recommended reading Transparency, written by Colin Rowe and Bernhard Hoesli. Of course it's okay not to read it.