
  • 叛神軍團
    繁體中文 / 漢語 / Chinese only.

    I know that is Japanese, but I also want to do somethings.

    叛神軍團 ─ 「叛神軍團」在一個虛構的世界下,將空間劃分成五個,分別是神、魔、人、星、冥。每個世界也有屬於自己的價值觀,力量同等的情況下,五界的勢力平衡,一直也沒有發生影響平衡的麻煩。直到一天,人類的主宰離開了人界,令蠢蠢欲動的神魔二界開始為爭奪人界而發生神魔大戰。

    反逆者─Lua ─ 虚構の世界,漕いで五つに分けます,「神界」、「魔界」、「人類界」、「星界」、「冥界」,すべての世界は独立する価値観もあります,今まで同じくそれぞれに生活します,闘争がありません。ある日,人類界の支配者は離れました,「神界」、「魔界」実行「人類界」を奪い取ります,戦争を始めます......
    Lua と Lia は兄の妹です,彼らはすべて孤児です,Lua加入を招待させられます「神界」,當「改造天使」。八年後,「神界」のが悪いをの発見します,そのため、彼は逃げます,成「反逆者」。Liaは分からない者,彼女はLuaを追求します,ただLuaに取って代わって「改造天使」になります,ストーリを始めました......

    Rebellious Lua ─ This is the genre of fantasy story. Here are five worlds: "God World", "Evil World", "Human World", "Stars World" and "Ghost World". They also have independent values, but never make the wars for this. One day, Ruler of Human World has disappeared. When the other Ruler know that, they started to fight immediately.
    Lua and Lia were family. Lua hole to protect and change their out of control world. So he join the "God World" and train themselves. After eight years, He found out the secret from God. Then he keep it and go away. Lia hasn't know anythings. But she also join the God team, replace her brother and find him to ask the Ture.

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