1. 英格莉德和麻宫雅典娜 (Ingrid & Athena)

  • 系列:Shadaloo Dolls
    • #1 1. 英格莉德和麻宫雅典娜 (Ingrid & Athena)


「The power... We are not alone」M. Bison looks around, two girls in a coma are beside him. Ingrid and Athena, he know their names. This is not normal since he has gotten used to foreign fighters after the Shadaloo Summon System was invented. Most of them won’t get his attention, but the two girls beside her are much more powerful than he thought. 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。

想到这里,维加低头看向了自己还在颤抖的手。三小时前,这两人摸到了自己的实验室,明明已经命令萝丝给她们添了那么多麻烦,鬼知道她们是怎么找到自己的,幸好自己奋起反抗,用踢技击晕了她们,才结束了这场闹剧。 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。

He looks down, his hands are still trembling. Three hours ago, the two girls found his lab. How can they find me in the disturbance of Doll Rose? M. Bison was nearly beaten by them, luckily, he got a chance and knocked them down using one strong kicking.



「However, this will be done soon.」After their fight, he called up several doll trainers including Rose as fast as he could, changed the two girls’ clothes and brainwashed them. There is only one step left. 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。

「两位精神力量的使用者,为我维加所用吧!」维加驱动自己所剩无几的精神力量,将两人托至自己身前。「是当容器的好底子!」维加拍了拍两人紧实的大腿和丰满的屁股,做出了改变两人命运的决定——把两人洗脑成自己的部下。 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。

「Users of psycho power, join my army now!」He raises the two girls up using the last flow of his power. 「Nice vessel for me!」He tapped their tight legs and butts, made a decision that will change the whole lives of the girls in front of him——turn them into Dolls.



[uploadedimage:18353709] 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。

说罢,维加驱动精神力量侵入两人体内,因为预先已经调教过了,入侵过程非常顺利,很快就接管了两人的理智。期间,英格莉德轻微地扭动了几下丰腴的下体,像是在反抗,又像是在享受。入侵完成后,维加打了个响指,两人便缓缓睁开了双眼。 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。

His power begins to invade the girls’ body. It is quite smooth benefiting from the pre-brainwashing. Their minds are taken down in minutes. During the invasion, Ingrid slightly twisted her butt, no one can tell whether she is suffering or enjoying the power. In the end, M. Bison snaps his finger and two new dolls wake up gradually.





「......Master.」Two girls looked at their new master with empty eyes and murmured in a low voice as if they had just woken up from a long sleep. 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。

[uploadedimage:18353725] 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。

「两位,还记得自己是谁吗?」维加搂住了两人的细腰,将她们拥入怀中。两人也顺从地挺起了胸脯,维加看着紧贴在一起的两对巨乳,喜形于色。「我们是您忠实的仆人。」麻宫雅典娜首先说道。「我们会为您实现征服世界的野心,哪怕这和我们原本的使命相违!」英格莉德缓缓接道。维加心里一阵冷汗,不愧是所谓的“女神”,经过这么多次洗脑还没洗干净,不过现在的她,也丝毫没有反抗主人的想法就是了。 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。

「You know who you are?」Seeing the huge breasts pressing against him, he hugged their slender waists and embraced them in his arms. 「I am your loyal servant.」Athena responds. 「We will help you achieve your ambition to conquer the whole world, even if it conflicts with our mission

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