A dangerous scouting mission with your dinosaur friend

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  • A second part to this story novel/22033456

    I hope everyone will be alright after reading it...

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“Hey, Kitt~”

“Mina, I do not want to do any more of your errands! I am busy this weekend! Schera wants to buy physical copies of games due to game company policies becoming unfavorable while Kune wants me to help him get a passport, so people stop mistaking him as a kid!”


“Aww… So does this mean you don't want to meet your good friend R-1? Besides, I’m sure Schera can do that by himself, and we can easily get Kune what he wants.”

“R-1? You're joking…”

“He's been eager to work with you again ever since you left Athltea~ You wouldn't want to leave him hanging, right?”

“Err… F-fine! What do you want?!” 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。

In The Agency’s moon base, Kitt found himself invited by his dear sister to its café where they enjoyed the breathtaking view while sharing coffee together, only for their meet-up to suddenly turn into Mina asking Kitt to participate in another mission across dimensions. This time, however, Kitt had a fair reason to accept, because just as he shot his head back in disappointment, paws on his eyes and sighing in reluctance, a familiar face sat down next to the counter where the two drank.

“Hello, Kitt!”

“Who are you? Wait, that face, that voice, those horns, those reptilian stripes, those letters and numbers on your jaw! R-1?!”


“Hehe! Yes, it’s me!”

“But you were a giant dinosaur! How is this possible? Unless this is kind of like a mini version of yourself that you’re controlling?”

“Mhm, I guess you could say that. Your friends made me a smaller body with the resources shared by Drac Tech after our successful week-long hunt, making this robot doll for me to control and use in smaller spaces without, you know, wrecking everything when I turn. My original body is back home, and so I have implanted a bit of my nano goo to control this doll.”

“I see! Does this mean we’ll work together again?!” 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。

“I don’t know~ Maybe ask your sister~”

Kitt excitedly turned to Mina with Mina only giving a happy nod to her brother as the excited cat immediately held R-1’s claws in excitement. They wouldn’t get going immediately but instead, R-1 was served coffee to enjoy so that the PDA could try an original experience while Mina briefed them on their new mission right there.

“Since your plans are relatively simple, I guess I can tell you what your little adventure will be about. Anyways, Drac Tech wants you to pair up with R-1 here again due to your… impressive sperm count~ Ahem! Totally because you’re a very skilled pilot. They want you to investigate a rundown facility of theirs that had collapsed. DDAs or whatever they’re called can’t fit and a proper clean-up crew can’t be dispatched due to the uncertain danger level. It had been a while since they checked up on the facility and since a physical first-hand scouting is more reliable than a remote-controlled one, they decided to have you two check it out.”


“What? Couldn’t they have just deployed more DDAs at the same time?”

“Something about minimizing casualties and noise. They said sending in a huge force when they’re uncertain of the level of threat would be risky.”

“Wait, so they expect me to lose my life?”

“Of course not! That’s why they want you to help again. Don’t worry, I have something to make your exploration easier. I’m not useless, Kitt.” 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。

“But definitely lazy. If Nova was here, he could do it in under a second.”

“I’ve debated doing that, but forcing two dangerous slime creatures to meet would have many uncertain outcomes. What are we going to do if Nova gets corrupted?”

“Oh… I guess that’s reasonable…”


After a bit more back-and-forth questioning about the specifics of Kitt’s mission, the three finished their coffees, with R-1 having an eye-catching way of tasting coffee as his visor opened to show a lewd latex sucker which he used to sip the coffee and process as low-level energy. Once done, Mina handed Kitt a familiar black case along with a bigger metal one that contained his laser rifle and the storage pack to go along with it. Kitt quickly opened the familiar black case, and once he saw the contents, he gave an eager smile to himself before rushing to the café’s bathroom. What was inside was Kitt’s beloved carbon badge which he immediately pinned to his shirt.

The badge then melted into black nano goo which spread throughout his body, melting away his clothes and replacing it with a tight latex suit. Kitt couldn’t believe he was wearing such a wonderful piece again and thoroughly enjoyed the suit as each different part materialized, rubbing his nipples before the armor plates formed and giving his excited rod a hasty stroke before it was covered by plates as well. Like before, the transformation of the latex suit into a protective armor was quick and easy. And this time, Kitt knew how to take off his helmet after his last experience with armor was an uncomfortably moist one.

“I’m back!”

“Ah, Kitt! Your sister had left early as she said she had a meeting to attend and entrusted me with a letter that would let us travel back to my world for our mission. I was also told to give you these special canisters. I don’t recognize the technology, but they seem very primitive. And… you’re wearing such a handsome suit, as usual, Kitt~” 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。

“Aww… Thank you! This is probably an odd thing to say but I’m excited to get into trouble because that means I can wear you again…”

“Let’s hope that it won't come to that, though. But if it does, I will make sure to keep you safe as usual!”

Although their mission was incredibly dangerous, Kitt brushed off any thoughts of doubt that they would fail with the idea of being encased in R-1’s soft latex lining again. But now that Kitt was done suiting up, the two left the moon base’s café, headed to its lobby, and teleported back to the main base of The Agency in the forests of Jerany. From there, Kitt guided R-1 to the operator of the interdimensional travel portal, handing their special note for them to be transported to Athltea. It was a hasty process thanks to the two world’s advanced technology and the two found themselves at Ganymedo-10’s courtyard where R-1’s original body was resting.


“So this is where your original body was?”

“Yup! Unfortunately, I can only control one at a time. We’ll travel to our mission location on foot or claw if we’re getting technical. Let me stow away the little body first before we can ride out.”

The aforementioned mission location was an abandoned facility that bordered the edge of the Callispo Canopy and a swamp. Since the Lumivexes thrived in moist environments, it was easy for them to infest around rainforests, marshes, shores, and other bodies of water. The abandoned facility was located between two wet environments, which was a double-edged sword as it allowed Drac Tech to study Lumivexes as they showed up at their front door. It was also extremely dangerous due to being in between popular infestation spots. The facility eventually fell after an employee was infected and forced many to evacuate Ganymedo-10.

R-1 eventually controlled his smaller self to get in a metal crate before returning control to his original body and carrying it on his lower back. And now that his second body was settled for transport, it was time for Kitt to ride again. Kitt didn’t even need persuasion to get into R-1’s cavity and confidently set his foot in while the protective parts of his armor were stripped away again. The rookie hunter once again found themselves face-to-face with their PDA’s many stimulating tools, but this time, they eagerly accepted each one. The entrance would close up first before the cavity began secreting its blue latex, adhering to Kitt’s suit. Everything felt normal as usual until Kitt felt a solid object form around his neck. 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。

“Wait, what’s this collar? Why do you need to collar me? I-I’m not a pet cat!”

“Hmm? You don’t remember? It’s called a Synolar. It allows our senses to connect and communicate with just our

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