The talentless princess who was tricked and eaten by the cat demon skin

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  • It's so hot I can't write, so it's a simple story for now

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There was once a royal family of powerful mages, known for their potent magic and huge magic energy reserves. This family was known around the world from each of the five main continents which made the members of the family sought after for connections and marriage. But not every family member was as powerful as the fame and expectation associated with them. One such family member was the current eldest princess of the generation, next in line for the throne. The princess’s name is Dusk, a gray dog beast who is short and average in everything. The only thing Dusk had going for her was a balanced body, not too fat nor thin yet still having an attractive form, primarily her eye-catching ass. But aside from good looks and a few friends, Dusk had nothing to show as a family member of this great family of mages.

Having a new queen crowned who couldn't conjure powerful magic would be slanderous for the family, so Dusk's parents did everything they could to bring out their daughter's latent power. Dusk was eager to become a sister and queen to look up to and trained hard with all the magic teachers that her parents hired, but none could help the princess cast stronger magic. It would be six months before the current king and queen retired to give way for Dusk to rule. But if Dusk didn’t show the capabilities to match her mother’s strength, her other siblings would take the throne which they weren’t keen on doing as they only wanted to enjoy the wealth for their family. So Dusk became desperate and eventually consulted with a shady yet reputable wizard who would bring her a special book, so Dusk may finally be able to achieve the strength needed to rule. 以上内容来自。更多中文H小说尽在。

“Is my new book here?”

“Yes, Your Highness.” 以上内容来自。更多中文H小说尽在。

“Really?! I mean, wonderful. Mom and Dad said they’ll be gone for a month… I should be able to do this under their noses. This book is special. It has everything I'll need to get stronger. It was expensive and hard to get, so I hope it'll be worth it.

“Your Highness, may I ask what this book is about? 以上内容来自。更多中文H小说尽在。

“I'm sorry, but I cannot share the contents and nature of this special book. Just retrieve it and don't ask any questions.”

“Right away, Your Highness.” 以上内容来自。更多中文H小说尽在。

With Dusk’s parents out of town along with all of her siblings, she was left behind to rule and manage the castle for the month. Dusk’s new book was supposed to come much later but the castle’s guards were surprised when a stranger in shadowy robes arrived by the castle doors, riding on a monstrous dragon with protrusions of flesh and tentacles suddenly crashed against the castle gates. All the guards were suddenly alerted to an attack, only for the stranger's dragon to vomit out a box made of flesh before flying away. And once Dusk was informed about the strange box, it was hauled in using at trolley before being dropped off at the throne room

“So, this is it? Why did it have to come in such strange packaging… “ 以上内容来自。更多中文H小说尽在。

The box of flesh was completely alive, having many animate tentacles, teeth, and eyes. It was already scanning everything in a room creepily, the furniture, the decoration, the guards, the royal advisor and finally Dusk. All of the box's eyes were on Dusk, seemingly eager to be opened by the weak princess. And that's what the princess would do, being lent a mighty halberd which she brought down in the box. The box immediately squealed in pain as it was hacked to pieces yet it did nothing to fight back or possibly run away. Eventually, Dusk was able to carve away at the box, exposing a square core made of what seemed to be the durable scales of a dragon as the head of the halberd Dusk was using broke off when she tried to open it. Luckily, her royal advisor was a strong dragon beast and used their powerful claws to break the core with zero fuss, coming from guts and all.

“Thank you. Now… God, this reeks. Clean this… thing out of the throne room. Just serve my dinner directly to my bedroom and do not interrupt me aftward.” 以上内容来自。更多中文H小说尽在。

What was now in Dusk's hands was a ritual book made of human skin. Dusk’s advisor and guards were immediately intrigued by the book but they held their heads high and ignored the princess's strange book. Once in her possession, Dusk rushed to her room as the sun set, setting the book down on her drawer and cleaning its blood-stained cover before unveiling its contents.

“I'll do anything no matter what. Even if it means… Dealing with demons…” 以上内容来自。更多中文H小说尽在。

Dusk's ritual book was no ordinary ritual book as it was used to summon powerful demons. A note was already inside from the publisher, warning Dusk about the danger but she was committed to using the ritual book and quickly flipped to the last pages where the strongest demons resided. There is a ranking of demons, ranging from physically normal yet talented demons to demons that could bring about the end of the world. Luckily, Dusk wasn't looking to end the world and even then the ritual book also listed which demons had already been killed and which were still alive and able to be summoned. And so after flipping to the last few pages of the demonic book, Dusk found the perfect demon to summon, a demon who could possibly help her with her magic and have a realistic summoning cost.

“I expected this price for summoning. Luckily, I came prepared.” 以上内容来自。更多中文H小说尽在。

The ritual cost was quite simple, being only 20mls of Dusk's female nectar. After finding the demon she wished to summon, Dusk retrieved a small case under her bed which contained chalk and candles as well as sex toys for her offering. These were quality sex toys as well and were either made of shape-shifting gray slime or magic inventions, the favorite of the wolf being a vibrator and a gigantic wolf knot dildo. Now with the materials in hand, Dusk began making her summoning circle, drawing a circle and pentagram with chalk and surrounding it with candles which she lit with her weak lightning magic before stripping naked.

“Whew. Slime dildo and vibrator, don't fail me now…” 以上内容来自。更多中文H小说尽在。

After finishing the preparations, Dusk was ready to play with herself, all inside of the ritual circle while reading the page of the demon she wanted to summon. And so the first to enter her body was a small plug while the wolf knot dildo was next in line which she stood on the ground before crouching down to force it into herself. The princess began whimpering as she felt her folds be stretched by the dildo, but she endured it and continued to lower herself until she reached the knot, locking the toy into her pussy. The dildo was also made of transformative slime which began to secrete lubricant, giving Dusk an easier time to thrust it inside of her. Dusk eventually collapsed with a tired pant, female juices beginning to leak slowly but surely. But orgasm was still far away, so Dusk turned to her second toy, a vibrator.

Still rapidly panting from taking the sizable toy, Dusk turned on the vibrator and slowly inched it against her clit before gaining courage and finally pressing it with great force. The princess immediately moaned and reached orgasm, squirting female juices into the air before collapsing from the clarity of orgasm. However, Dusk knew it wasn't enough and continued to press the vibrator against her clit. A second orgasm was quickly building and Dusk could do nothing but pant and drool while her pussy continuously contracted to stimulate itself using the wolf dildo. 以上内容来自。更多中文H小说尽在。

“Once I cum again… It should be enough to summon her… Just need to chant… The incantation… To the purple witch of thorns and roses… Heed my call… Ouhh~... I’m almost there… Viola the Witch, Thief of Bodies, come to me! Ngahh~... Ahh~... Ahh~! ❤️”

Thanks to the wonderful toys, Dusk reached a second orgasm in no time, her female fluids shooting into the air once again. After the second orgasm, Dusk pulled out the sizable toy, both her body and the ritual cost satisfied with the amount of fluids she had offered. And before Dusk coul 以上内容来自。更多中文H小说尽在。

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