Kidnapping, training, and brainwashing of the hero to become a villain hunter (1/3)

  • 简介
  • This is just an appetizer ❤️

    The main elements revolve around training and symbiote partners

    This is also a sequel to two previous articles which follow a story of a black cat thief and a white cat hero. It's recommended to read them, or you may not understand the setting.
    这也是前两篇文章的续集,讲述了黑猫贼和白猫英雄的故事。 建议事先阅读,否则可能看不懂设置。

    Part 1 (While on the run from his hunters, a thieving cat stumbles upon the house of a symbiote): novel/19760967
    Part 2 (Little hero and little thief, opposites of each other, but what if they are secretly family?)
    : novel/20202100

If you wish to view the translation, please scroll down and click on the next page.


“White Lightning? White Lightning? Do you copy?”

“Yes! Reception is -bzzt- terrible in the mountains, but Tela is doing her best to -bzzt- receive you!”



“However, there’s a blizzard that -bzzt caught us! It might be a bit hard to get to our -bzzt- destination!”

The little hero known as Kipu or White Lightning was sent to investigate strange disappearances in Sakala, a large and snowy state in Marika. Reports of strange robot snakes were received by the now-developed Hero Association which was from the east side of the country in Mew Nork. Kipu was specifically assigned this task due to his resistance against the cold and disabling powers of his lightning gun and symbiote Tela. And breaking away from the general knowledge of symbiote gender, Tela was female but didn’t give Kipu a feminine body when she turned into the hero’s super-suit.

The two were currently trekking into a tall mountain under poor visibility due to being caught in the middle of a snowstorm. Phone, or rather, earpiece signal was limited, causing a communication breakdown between Kipu and his current mission supervisor. Luckily, just the right amount of information was given to Kipu for him to confidently continue trudging through the thick snow and storm. And with a symbiote being his armor and source of power, Kipu wasn’t in fear of freezing to death. He even had a gun that shoots ice which is further empowered by the weather. Well, only when fired outside, of course.

“Tela, do you see anything?”

“No, not yet… I wish your brother and his symbiote were here to just clear the weather with a massive explosion.”

“That would probably disturb the local ecosystem…” 以上内容来自。更多中文H小说尽在。

“Maybe you’re right…”

With howling winds and snow giving Kipu a snow cone for a hat, it was basically impossible to continue searching. Yet Kipu continued, with Tela doing everything she could to adjust the night vision on Kipu’s eyepiece. Once again, Kipu barely had enough leeway to act, eventually arriving at a small cave in the mountainside he was scaling.

“I know I said I loved snow, but definitely not this much snow.”

“We should wait for the storm to pass in here.”

“I guess… I could barely see, anyways.”


“Still, you insisted on continuing…”

“I didn’t expect the storm to get this bad!”

With a place to rest, Kipu took out a powerful fire-starting kit and started a small campfire. Moist, snow-covered wood retrieved from the outside was easily set on fire, allowing Kipu to warm up while Tela momentarily separated, melting off of Kipu’s body before reforming into a beautiful blue cat lady wearing a perfect imitation of warm winter clothing using their goo. Kipu’s true clothing was exposed once his symbiote left, showing that all he was wearing underwear shorts and a cotton t-shirt.

“You need a blanket?”

“N- no, thanks. I’m- I’m fine.”

“You’re already shivering!” 以上内容来自。更多中文H小说尽在。


Seeing the little hero immediately shiver once separated, Tela sat down next to Kipu before forming a perfect imitation of a thick futon blanket to wrap the white cat in.

“It'll be an in-and-out mission, I'm sure of it. And once we're home, you need to give me my reward, okay?”

“No way! You're going to keep going even when I'm drained!”

“So what~? I'll make you keep shooting blanks until I'm satisfied~” 以上内容来自。更多中文H小说尽在。

“Ugh… As long as there aren't any assignments, then I'll think about it.”

“Think about it only?! You're awful!”

“Then cry, hehe. No sex for you!”

“Hmph! And I thought we were perfect couples…”

“Actually, I thought you'd make a perfect wife for my brother's symbiote friend. He's big, tall, muscular, confident, and outgoing! Everything you'll need from a man!”


“I don't need anyone else but you and your timidness in bed, Kipu. And I like it when you try to fight back~”

“Haha… Yeah…”

Even after their little chat, the snowstorm outside continued to rage on. So, to pass the time, Kipu tapped on his eyepiece to project some saved movies he had downloaded while the sound directly played in his once singular earpiece which had now multiplied due to Tela’s hi-tech goo. Kipu basically had a portable projector on him which was really supposed to be used to display physical information or models for easier explanation and intelligence sharing but instead of simply using his eyepiece to watch, Kipu used the holographic projector of his gadget for leisure. A simple one hour and thirty-minute action movie later, the snowstorm had managed to calm down somewhat, allowing the two to continue their search after Tela tickled Kipu awake.

“I think… I think I see something, Tela.”

“You do? Where?”

“A crashed jet over there. It looks like an F-35 Lightning II.” 以上内容来自。更多中文H小说尽在。

“Huh. I didn't even scan it to give you information.”

“I just like planes, hehe.”

After exiting the cave they rested in and summited the mountain they were on, Kipu looked far and wide around his surroundings until he eventually saw a small clearing of trees in a forest with a crashed fighter jet in the middle. Quickly spotting it, Kipu rushed down the summit and its mountainside, trailing snow behind him as he went. The speedy hero's supersuit eventually imbued them with lightning powers, making their movements even faster, shaking the thin leaves of the forest trees as they went. Kipu’s descent, which should have normally taken 30 minutes, was done in only 3, courtesy of Tela’s boost and clear weather. The hero quickly arrived at the crashed aircraft they had spotted, finding traces of looting after clearing the thick snow around them with a powerful swipe of their palm that conjured a gust of wind to clear said snow.

“There's a collapsed spotlight over there, as well as a duffel bag? What's inside… A crowbar, a blow torch, strange metal toothpicks…”

“Kipu, that's called a lockpick.”


“Oh, right…”

“Anyways, both of us can easily deduce that these are the belongings of someone who tried to salvage parts of this jet.”

“They must have been in a hurry if they forgot to pack up their things!”

“Perhaps… Maybe yes, maybe no. However, that thing over there might give us an answer.”

“Where? Over there? What is that? It looks like a solid metal snake! But it has chunks of it torn off from different segments!”

“By gunfire. There are also spent bullet cases under your feet which you didn't realize, but I guess it's understandable. It's hard to differentiate pebbles from bullet casings with your boots.” 以上内容来自。更多中文H小说尽在。

As the two scanned the crash site, Kipu inspected the remains of what seemed like a robot snake while Tela became a hologram to try and manipulate the aircraft to come to life. But when that was unsuccessful, Tela returned to Kipu and tried to revive the dead robot snake instead. However, that also didn’t work, only making the robot flinch its tail before ultimately short-circuiting.

“Weird… We should probably take it back to base to inspect further-”

“Kipu, hands on your guns. A lot of people are watching us.”

“Wait what?! Where?!”

With plans to return the decommissioned robot to the hero base, Kipu returned to the bag of tools he found and emptied it for space. Instead, he was surprised when Tela showed multiple heat signatures in the snow through his eyepiece.


“Uhh… Are they animals?”

“People. Get ready!”

Without Kipu alert enough for a fight, Tela manipulated the hero’s suit to grab a hold of their pistols and pointed them at the distant enemy. In the distance, there were several naked beast drones with a shiny coating of what seemed to be blue latex. Mechanical tails flexed wildly behind their backs while a strange headpiece covered their sight, replacing it with a single sinister eye. The eyes of these drones were as scattered as the mechanical tails of the drones until they finally neared closer, all locking on to Kipu which frightened the hero to shoot. Two shots of thunder and ice bullets rang out, hitting two drones that immediately incapacitated them, one b

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