Teaser 2

  • 简介
  • More progress. I decided to draw supplementary images throughout the story, so it will take longer than expected. Oh, and a warning, this story will be long. The sex of the story is relatively scattered, mainly focusing on the plot. But don’t worry, there will be an extra story after the ending, and it will all be meat :3

    更多进步。 我决定在整个故事中绘制补充图像,因此需要比预期更长的时间。 哦,还有一个预警,这个故事很长。 故事的内容比较分散,主要集中在情节上。 不过别担心,结局之后还会有一个额外的故事,里面都是肉:3

If you wish to view the translation, please scroll down and click on the next page.


“We need to do something about your energy capacity. If that hooded figure returns when you’re drained on the next task, you might seriously die!”

“Then why not skip that task?”

“Taro, you’re seriously passing up a task to help a needy town? I didn’t know you were so inconsiderate!”

“What?! Of course not! I thought we would deliver a parcel first!”

“It says here the town needs help in three days, and we accepted this task two days ago. Tomorrow will be the deadline, so who knows what will happen if no adventurer comes to help them?”


“Alright, alright! But… why not help me?”

“An extra note is that the town is plagued; townspeople were poisoned by insect monsters. If that person comes back to shoot from a distance, you will have to fight him while I burn away the poison from any sick people.”

“You’re just making excuses to have me fight again! You’re supposed to serve me!”

“Hey! You’re supposed to be the hero, not me!”

“Hmph… Fine, what can we even do to increase my energy capacity? Dad said it was through repeated draining and filling of my magic, but that would take months! We only have a day like you said!”

“I have a method that will work quite well for you. Masturbate all day, and you can increase it in an instant.”


“What? Are you trying to trick me again?!”

“I’m serious! No trickery, no non-consensual intercourse, all with pure reason. Like your father had told you, the draining and filling of magic will increase its capacity.”

“Nghh… I swear, Kala, if you trick me one more time, I will reduce you to a little scorpion again!”

Kala’s concern for Taro’s magic energy capacity was sincere but the method for training it was very suspicious. As displayed at the bandit camp, Taro was only able to cast three powerful wind spells before tiring, passing out on the fourth which forced Kala to interfere and save him. When Taro was exhausted, someone from a faraway dune began shooting at Kala with enchanted bullets, causing Kala to take real damage that his gooey body couldn’t ignore. Kala was only able to clear the camp and escape using the help of his infernal scorpions who scared the criminals into submission while also being the two’s meat shields. Before leaving with his unconscious master, Kala launched a flare made of his purple fire to signal other adventurers of their success, as well as alert them to come and arrest the bandits they had subdued.

“There has to be a catch to this. Masturbate all day? I can’t do that! I can only ever cum once!”

“I can help with that. My venom can be an aphrodisiac which you have lots of experience with~”

“I’m not letting you poison me! You will turn me dumb and turn on me again!” 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。

“I won’t! I promise! Now, will you listen to me or not?”

“Alright… I will only masturbate, okay? Don’t try to stab me in the back while I’m distracted.”

“What should I use to stab you? My sword or my cock?”


“I’m kidding! But before we start, we need food first. My venom will increase your metabolism to produce sperm or magic energy. But if we do it for a prolonged time, you will inevitably grow thin and feeble until you’re just a skeleton of a cat.”

“I knew this was a bad idea!”


“But! If you eat a lot before we start and as you masturbate, that downside will be counteracted. Now, let’s head outside first and buy food. Something sugary like pastries should give you lots of calories without filling your stomach too much.”

The first step for Kala’s instant magic capacity training plan was to get something to eat. So the two left the private room they had rented out and headed to the market to buy food.

“You know, Taro, I caught a glance at who was shooting at us.”

“Really? You said they were super far away?”

“Well, I only saw a red silhouette, but their clothes and height reminded me of the kid we met at the adventuring guild of your home.”

“Maybe it’s just a coincidence.”

“They had a weapon wrapped in cloth behind their back, and its shape was neither a sword nor a bow. And they were looking at mercenary requests, Taro. That kid must have taken a hit on you or something!” 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。

“Relax! We literally talked to them outside! They were super cute and nice!”

“He had a hint of evil energy on his left eye and cheek scar, I swear.”

“Maybe they were a dark magic user similar to you?”

“Maybe… I don’t trust them though. If we ever find them again here or in the next town, then we’ll confront him for confirmation.”

“You’re too paranoid.”

“Then die?”


“Jeez… So cold…”

As they walked to the market, Kala brought up a similar red-clothed figure they had met back in Taro’s town when they were picking out tasks to do for the people. Kala was quickly skeptical of the similarities between the silhouette sniping them and the mercenary they had met before. Taro was immediately defensive as he couldn’t believe the possibility of someone who was roughly as short and almost as young as him trying and take his life, but Kala remained firm on his doubts.

They eventually arrived at the market, scanning the buildings and stalls until Taro spotted a bakery and headed inside which they quickly perused. It was a sizable bakery with all your average bread like bread loaves and bagels along with some pre-packed meals like sandwiches and boxes of cookies. Being in the bakery for sweets, Kala specifically looked for cakes, which he quickly found.

“What’s the budget?”

“It’s just food, so 50 silver.”

“Then get that one.”

“A whole chocolate cake? Really?” 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。

“It’s only 20 silver! You can buy two!”

“I’m too small to be able to eat an entire cake by myself!”

“You don’t have to scarf it down in one go. Actually, we probably only need half a cake.”

“Then why buy two?”

“Because I want one.”



At the bakery’s counter, a glass case full of cake and pastries was present with many different flavors and toppings. Things like mango cakes, strawberry cupcakes, ube rolls, and decorative donuts were there. From the colorful selection, a shiny and moist chocolate cake caught Kala’s eye which he immediately suggested buying. But Taro wanted glazed donuts instead so they bought one chocolate cake and five sizable glazed donuts, the cake for the scorpion wolf and the donuts for the desert cat. After buying, the two headed back to their private hotel room, laid out their food, and began to eat. Taro would eat his donuts like a normal person, holding and biting one at a time while Kala took his cake and began carving chunks from it with his giant maw.

“Do you not know how to eat properly?”

“Of course I do, but it's more entertaining this way.”

“You're making a mess! You better not touch me with your chocolate-covered claws!”

“And what if I do, little brat? Are you going to make me clean you?”

“Don't underestimate my pettiness.”

As they ate, Taro commented on Kala’s messy way of eating, inadvertently arousing the attention of the scorpion wolf to their master. And with chocolate and crumb-covered claws, Kala stood from their table and approached Taro before bending down and smearing cake onto the desert cat's face. 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。

“Kala! You-”

“You're so cute when you're brave, brat. Here, let me clean your face. And after, we'll start. Now, stay still…”

Kala wasn't joking when he teased dirtying Taro's face with cake. And when he truly did, the desert cat was furious and immediately tried to raise their voice to let out a punishing command using their pact with the scorpion wolf, but their snout was shut tight while the dirt and crumbs on both party's faces and hands began to disintegrate into dust from purple flames.

“There, happy?”

“Mmm, mmm!”

After Taro's face was cleaned with flames, he expected to be let go but Kala’s hold on his snout suddenly changed to pinch his cheeks together before the scorpion wolf suddenly said something strange.


“You're mine. You're my bitch. Remember that, brat. You don't belong to anyone else. I'm also yours.

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