Fall of the legendary artist hero, but could she take revenge against the villain? 2/2

  • 简介
  • In the end, someone would become and remain a beastskin, but who?
    Sorry if the ending is a bit lacking as I think I may have lost my touch...
    Education is currently a priority :(
    First part - novel/20354948

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“Listen, we have to work together; relinquish your body to me, and I’ll sort everything out, alright?”

“Miss, It’s hard to do that when I’m constantly being stimulated to cum!”

“Can’t you hold it in?”

“That’s impossible! I can feel something having grabbed onto my nipples and another thing inside my ass. Don’t blame me if I start getting uncomfortable!”

It was now a little later in the day after Valor arrived with a new buddy inside of her and the two were now trying their best to get along amidst of Valor’s goal to prepare for battle against Rezo while Milk’s uncooperativeness from constant uncontrolled stimulations made it hard for the two to get along.

“Val- Valor, what should I do to help?” 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。

“Prepare a bath… I’m so dirty…”

“Right away!”

And as Valor and Milk tried to compose their overflowing desire, Kaku would prepare a bath for the two forced partners to hopefully calm the situation with a distracting hot tub. Valor’s personal bathroom was basically 1/4 of her bedroom, but it was still quite sizable, as well as having expensive plumbing. So as Valor shambled her weakening body towards her tub, she’d keep a tight grip on Milk’s constantly oozing meat stick to at least lessen the spilling of the trapped wolf’s seed before finally arriving to take a bath.

“Valor, I’ll call a maid to keep the water clean and fresh. Stay here and wash yourself from your… fluids…”

“Don’t… don’t tell them what happened to me… And only call one!”

“On it!”

Now that Valor was in the tub, she’d get to work scrubbing her body from the semen that had stained her entire lower body. 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。

“Hey, Milk, does… does anyone know you’re missing…”

“N- no…”

“God… how did we end up in this situation…”

“Umm… are you alright with how… I’m basically showering with you? And showering with someone I look up to, no less!”

“Calm down! I know we’re strangers, but we have no choice but to cooperate!”

“Miss! This is still so weird!”

“Just, breathe in and out, and calm yourself. We’ll resolve this once I’m done cleaning myself.” 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。

“But… you’re… you’re touching my dick…”

“I know that!”

Having an adoring fan trapped inside her as she bathed really made Valor flustered, with the same being said for Milk, as he was further aroused as Valor ran a scrubber around her entire body. And from the bath that the two took, the desire for pleasure had seemingly died down for a moment, as Milk’s meat stick, that had been erect for hours now, began to deflate and shrink to a more wieldy size for the cat artist to wield.

“I… I feel less crazy now, Miss Valor.”

“Good… good… we’ll… we’ll need to defeat the culprit…”

“Was it the necromancer that you were looking to defeat?”

“Exactly, but… I didn’t get him. He’s much more experienced than me in fighting. The people know I have great power, yet I am too inexperienced to use its full potential.” 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。

“Then would you be able to return us back to normal if you couldn’t beat him?”

“Well… since we’re stuck together… wouldn’t two minds be better than one? If we work together, I’m sure we’d be able to defeat that fool!”

“But I don’t know how to fight! I’m just a fan of yours!

“Heh, then that’s what we’ll be working on this afternoon!”

“In such a short amount of time?”

“You’re talking to the girl that climbed the adventuring ranks in mere moments, so don’t hesitate to think I can’t teach you about teamwork!”

“I don’t think I’m cut out to be helping a hero…” 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。

“Is there something I can do to get your enthusiasm? Without energy, we won’t be able to get anywhere! Here, since you’re a big fan of mine, I’ll let you feel my breasts for absolutely no catch~”

“What?! Miss Valor, I would ne-’”

But just as Valor was about to grope her breasts to please Milk’s nonexistent perverted desires, Kaku would come back with a maid to cycle clear water into Valor’s tub. And with no questions asked, the maid got to work cleaning Valor as well, all the while Valor hid her erection with a towel she’d brought into the tub.

“Psst… Kaku… you didn’t tell her, right?”

“I didn’t, don’t worry… I’ll be preparing your clothes in your bedroom…”

So while Valor was helped in bathing herself, Kaku would leave to prepare the hero their clothes for the evening.

“Miss Valor, why are you…” 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。

“Shh… Marisa, don’t ask.”

However, while she bathed, Marisa, a human maid sent to help Valor, suddenly asked why Valor brought a towel into the bath. But luckily, Marisa was an obedient helper, and even though they noticed Valor’s bulge bob in the water as they scrubbed her body, she kept quiet and was eventually sent away for Valor to cover herself with a towel in private.

“Phew… We almost got found out.”

“Don’t worry, Milk, my servants are quite obedient. Now, are you alright with wearing… girl clothes?”

“We really don’t have a choice, right? I mean, you’re the one in control.”

“I know, I know… Just making sure.”

So after drying her furry body and making Milk a bit uncomfortable as she also dried Milk’s rod and eggs, Valor would quickly exit the bathroom and to her bedroom where Kaku was waiting. And on her bed, Kaku presented Valor with two sets of clothing; one was her casual red skirt and suit, while the other was a replica of her battle outfit, which was the same she wore to fight Rezo. Now, since Valor was going to try and train with Rezo with the increased physical and magical abilities of a beastskin with a host, she’d obviously approach and wear her armor, but right as she was about to, Milk would suddenly blurt out an objection. 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。

“Mi- Miss Valor!”

“Oh? What is it?”

“Can we… Can we wear your skirt?”

“My… my skirt? I thought you’d want the less feminine one! But… I guess we can if you want…”

And out of the blue, Milk would suggest wearing the casual skirt and suit insane. Valor was understandably surprised by the suggestion, but seeing that following Milk’s request to wear the infinitely more feminine outfit, she’d take the set of clothes and began to wear it. The set of clothes had three pieces, the underwear, the skirt and the suit, with Valor obviously wearing her bra and panties first.

“Alright, just… ignore the cock and-”

But just as Valor put one foot in her panties, Milk began to erect from arousal, surprising and distracting Valor into blushing. Kaku was in the room as well and was secretly watching through a mirror reflection near a desk with a mirror and reddened in surprise as well, but kept his mouth shut and looked away like nothing happened. 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。

“Milk… you’re… you’re getting erect…”

“I’m… I’m sorry!”

And from Milk’s erection, a prominent bulge would be visible once Valor wore her panties, and when she moved around, she felt her entire crotch move with weight. So Valor took off her normally comfortably loose panties for a tighter one, finally keeping Milk’s cock and eggs still to be more comfortable as she moved about. Once the problem with Milk’s arousal of wearing panties was over, Valor quickly wore the rest of her clothes before presenting herself to Kaku and brushing her hair.

“Va- Valor…”

“Don’t. Don’t talk about it…”

“You’re right. Ahem! So. What is your plan?”

“You know how I bought an entire ancient library? Round up the staff to search for a book relating to The Eastern Ninja Clan, as well as find the letter I had when I visited there. And while you do that, I’ll be drawing here with Milk. Make sure to find it ASAP, and even though I have a day and a half left before Rezo attacks the city, it would be ideal for me to intercept him before he even musters up his army.” 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。

“Right away!”

With the plan of the day now set in motion, Kaku would hurriedly leave Valor’s room, while Valor and Milk were left behind to talk for a bit more.

“So… Miss Valor, your power is to bring to life anything you draw, right?”


“I- I have some weapons for you to draw!”

“You do? What kind?”

“I’m looking to be an apprentice gunsmith, and I have many, many sketches o 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。

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