Fall of the legendary artist hero, but could she take revenge against the villain? 1/2

  • 简介
  • Been feeling lazy as of lately, (which I hate myself for) yet there are lots of drafts waiting to be written. I think I can count six ideas yet I have only written two pages for each. This story will be of two parts, so please stick around for the second.
    Second part - novel/20510623

If you wish to view the translation, please scroll down and click on the next page.


Just three days before Halloween, a legendary rank adventurer had set out to defeat a villain that was threatening to unleash a horde of undead onto their town had suddenly gone missing after their presumed victory. And the name of this hero was Valor, a bubbly and talented pink cat with the strangely powerful ability that allowed them to bring into reality whatever she drew. For a limited time, she could mimic the most powerful equipment in the world by simply making an illustration of it, willing it into existence with their unique gift. 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。

And using this power, at the ripe age of twenty, Valor managed to become a famous legendary rank adventurer, when legendary ranked adventurers were usually middle-aged and hardened veterans, or supernatural humans or beasts with extraordinary talent like Valor. She was also a celebrity thanks to her power being that of the ways of illustration, becoming a popular artist in her hometown, as well as all around The Central Continent.

So with her legendary status, Valor’s head was high above the clouds, and even though it was, she could back up her ambitions with her powers. But as Valor’s success became more and more renowned, her infamy among the evil of the world also began to be known, specifically attracting the attention of a necromancer named Rezo, a scaly, red and black dragon who was planning to cause havoc on many towns of The Central Continent via raising the dead to attack on Halloween night where everyone would have their guard down to enjoy the festivities.

“No… you… you won’t get away with this…” 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。

“Ohoho… Oh, Valor… how unfortunate that you have fallen! Even with your great ability, your inexperience is no match for such a seasoned necromancer like me!”

“I’ll beat you… just give me another try…”

“Now that you know what I’m capable of? Oh, please! You only live once, and you’ve wasted your only shot at life trying to defeat me!” 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。

In a dark and dilapidated dungeon of Rezo’s hideout, Valor had been outsmarted by the necromancer and managed to defeat the legendary rank hero due to their inexperience with fighting someone of higher caliber. Valor had everything a celebrity had; a personal castle, servants, money, fans and ever personal trainers, but none of these would be of use if she didn’t know how to fight like a real adventurer with several years of experience. And so, with her having been stripped naked and tied to a wooden table, Valor thought it’d be the end for her as Rezo presented a shiny red knife to her with the menacing sheen of bloody rubies.

“You will gut such a beautiful girl like me? You really are evil…”

“Heh, you think I’ll kill you? No, mam. I’ll be doing something much worse. But before I let you go, have you heard of the prominent ninja clan towards the East Continent?” 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。

“What? Why are you asking me about that? Just get to it already!”

“Calm down, calm down! Let’s have a little chat first! But anyways, there’s a rumor that this clan had these monstrous abominations of female beasts being hollow and filled with tentacles which they would use to capture males to power themselves with their fluids. But these creatures were said to have their self intact and only go in a lustful trance every few months. It is also said that they have been made by being pierced by a small jade knife, similar to what I am holding right now.”

“And? So what if I know about this odd fact? The Eastern Ninja Clan are great people!” 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。

“Sigh… you’re so simple, Miss Valor. But since ignorance is bliss, it’d be better if I do not explain further. Anyways, goodbye!”


And as soon as their conversation ended, Rezo would immediately stab Valor in the abdomen. The knife that Rezo had stabbed Valor with was a special artifact capable of turning females into beast skins, hollowing their body and filling them with tentacles which they could use to capture males. These males would then be bound by the beast skin and have their essence extracted to keep the female beast skins to sanity so that they would not go crazy with lust. 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。

But the knife that Rezo had used to stab Valor was a knife different to the one used by the ninja clan to make female beast skins, as this knife had a red blade, while the ninja clan’s knife had a green blade. This meant that the blade obviously had a different effect, which immediately took place when Rezo suddenly glided the knife across Valor’s entire chest, seemingly make an incision to expose her organs.

“Huff… huff… there’s no pain… but I feel… so winded…”

“This will be the last you’ll ever enjoy this form, Miss Valor! Muwahahaha!!!” 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。

The cut made on Valor’s body did not flow blood, and when Valor moved her head to try and look at the wound, she’d notice she was only looking at a gaping black hole on her chest. But once she had taken a look at her empty wound, Valor suddenly felt light-headed, quickly passing out, with the last thoughts she had being the worry that her butler must be experiencing right now.

“Hmmm… this is only the first time I’ve seen this in action, but I must say it’s quite intriguing!”

As Rezo stood back with a victorious smile, he’d watch Valor’s body slowly switch from flesh and organ filled cat into a hollow beast skin, similar to a cosplay fursuit. Valor’s arms and legs would quickly deflate, freeing themselves from their shackles, while Valor’s head stayed would separate to become an oddly realistic head of the hero with seemingly perfect imitation of her eyes wide open, which had been replaced with glass and also had a permanently happy expression on her face. 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。

Her chest was next to deflate, with the hero’s plump breasts keeping their shape and softness, which Rezo eagerly felt. And once Valor’s transformation into a beast suit was over, Rezo would excitedly take the fallen hero’s body from the table to then sew a zipper on its back, intending to dispose of Valor by simply selling her as a Halloween costume to the very same time he was going to destroy.

“You’d make a fine gift to your own people, Miss Valor. But it’s a shame that you’d be unable to seek help in this embarrassing form of yours! Goons! Retrieve Miss Valor’s armor and equipment and sell her off to her town! And afterwards, prepare for our invasion!”

The young legendary hero and artist known as Valor had now been reduced to nothing more than a Halloween costume, intended to be sold off as a more distasteful send off instead of direct murder. And all that time, Valor was actually still fully conscious, and had heard all of Rezo’s taunts before she was stuffed in a crate with her armor and fighting sketchpad to be sold as a costume. However, something had tampered with her way of thinking, turning the usually kind and energetic hero into a lustful monster that was waiting to be released. 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。

“Hello, sir, how much is this costume?”

“Ah… this? It arrived at my doorstep early in the morning. It must have been a late shipment, but I don’t remember ordering such a costume, so I do not know its price. The armor and equipment seems to be meant for actual adventuring, so if you’d like to have the full set, it’d cost you about ten gold coins.”

“Ten gold?! That’s insane!” 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。

“That’s not even the final cost! There are others fighting for this costume, so if you’d really want it, you’d need to pay more than ten gold coins.

It is now the next day and two days before October 31st, and Valor had been successfully taken in by a blacksmith of her town who was selling Halloween costumes for both young and old, beast and humans. And with the spooky occasion nearing by the day, many citizens were getting ready for the scary event, with kids dressing up as adventurers and monsters while some real adventurers opt to simply wear their normal equipment with a bit of flair like fake blood or scary trinkets.

The blacksmith was selling all kinds of costumes, including a cute replica of the hero of their to 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。

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