Little hero and little thief, opposites of each other, but what if they are secretly family? 2/2

  • 简介
  • Previous story: novel/19760967
    Part 1: novel/20202100

    Please turn to the next page for another poor translation (really sorry but I want to help out those who still wish to read)


    There will be a a third part which will be the two little cats becoming intimate, and I think it will be really interesting...

“It’s almost 1PM… I wonder what’s taking Tela so long?”

It was now just a few hours after Tela left to sneakily dig up information about Kipu’s past, with Kipu now having booked out of the hospital to make his way to a café near the police station while in civilian clothing. And so, using his phone, Kipu would try to contact Tela, but when his calls returned unanswered, he’d instead reach out to Prim and Hardt.

“Hardt? Have you seen Tela in the police headquarters lately?”

“Kipu? Are you alright?”

“Yeah, I’m fine now. So… have you seen Tela?”

“Something… something bad happened…” 以上内容来自。更多中文H小说尽在。

“Huh? What did?”

“Me and Prim saw Tela sneak into Agre’s office, but after three hours, we didn’t see her come out. So we took a peek inside to see the chief’s office to find blue goo splattered all over the place! After that, we ran out from shock, and now we’re hiding in the café bathroom now. I’m in the male bathroom, by the way.”

“Wait, I’m also at the café! Come out and let’s talk!”

“You are?”

Fortunately for Kipu, he did not need to travel to a secluded place to meet up with his two friends, as they were actually hiding in the same café he was having lunch at.


“Kipu, what do you think happened to Tela?!”

“Umm… there’s something we found out about Konga, the thief we arrested last night…”

“What is it? Is he secretly working with the police chief?!”

“No… he’s… he’s my brother…”

“Huh?! How is that possible?!”

Just like Kipu, Prim and Hardt were in total shock with the revelation of Konga being his brother, and even more so when Kipu showed the two the evidence of Konga being so. 以上内容来自。更多中文H小说尽在。

“We know that you’ve been trying to find your past all this time, and now that you know that Konga is your brother, will you really let him die? Tonight?!”

“No! I want to save him!”

“Then… would you break the law for him?”

“I… I will!”

“Huh?! But your reputation as a hero will be in shambles for wanting to save a criminal! And how will you be able to do that? You’re just a normal guy without Tela!”


“I want to ask you two for help…”

“Then we’d also get in trouble!”

“Don’t worry! We’ll sneak in undercover. Look, I have a key card that can take us anywhere in the police station, even under it where the newbie heroes are being trained, and even further beyond that! Prim, since you’re the most adult looking one out of us three, you go sneak into the police armory to take some uniforms for us to wear. There is a special extra small size that you can ask, and if they ask you why, just tell them it’s for a son.”

“What? Why me? Why not Hardt?”

“Use your gold summoning to look like an adult!”

“But Hardt literally has the power to disguise herself as anyone she has seen!” 以上内容来自。更多中文H小说尽在。

“Don’t you remember? Her height doesn’t change…”

“Hmph! I know we three have known each other for years, but if I am locked up like you, then I’ll never forgive you!”

“I won’t let us get caught, I promise!”

Although hesitant to help Kipu in his lawbreaking endeavors, Prim and Hardt would eventually give in and help the desperate hero to both save his missing symbiote partner and save his long—lost brother tonight. Any sensible friend would immediately realize that what Kipu wanted to do was the wrong thing, but Prim and Hardt were quite indebted to Kipu for being by both of their side through every step of their hero training. And so the Prim immediately set off into the police headquarters with an imitation of an expensive watch and chain to look like a top dog of the police department, easily tricking the armorer into giving him the disguises they needed. After retrieving the police uniforms, Hardt and Kipu would casually stroll into the bathrooms of the police station to begin their infiltration as no named privates that were seemingly lost.

“Um, you two, go inside and don’t look at me while I change!”


“Of course! Prim, look away already!”

“Hardt, when will you accept my proposal…”

“Maybe some other time.”

While Prim’s power was just a lustrous version of metal bending, which he could then use to summon golden spikes to jail his targets, Hardt’s magic was a deviation from light magic which shaped light into whatever Hardt wanted people to see. And so she would form little balls of light on parts of her and her friend’s bodies, shaping the balls of light into things like a badge, service pistol and all kinds of hats, for both male and female police. The three were quick to ready their disguise, and once finished with everything that could resemble the original identity of the three, they would finally get a move on and immediately made their way to the giant elevator that brought them underneath the police station.

“Kipu, there are a lot of people here…”

“Just hold your head high and act normal, and hope they don’t notice our patches…” 以上内容来自。更多中文H小说尽在。

Since it was the main elevator of the police station, the three were not alone as they descended, but since they had taken the elevator when it was momentarily cramped, the other police officers and even other trainee heroes did not notice the three. And so once the doors opened to the floor after the basement garage, the three would immediately separate from the crowd to make their way deeper into the station.

“I’m still amazed at how big this place is…”

The second basement floor of the police station had been repurposed into a giant shooting range, approximately the size of eight basketball courts, while also being spacious enough for sniper training. And so after Kipu amused himself at the sight of the shooting range floor, the three would take the next elevator to the hero training floor, this time being a smaller elevator where scientists would come and go. But now that they were heading down to a more restricted area of the station, the three would inadvertently be caught by a guard stationed right outside the elevator doors that led to the hero training grounds.

“Hey, are you three police privates? The three of you aren’t supposed to be here—”

Acting quickly, Hardt would shift the patches on their uniforms to a higher rank, and when the guard took a closer on the three’s rank, they quickly apologized and returned to their guard duty.


“Phew! Nice save!”

“No problem!”

Having evaded interrogation, the three swiftly head through the hero training grounds, where the next elevator would be located. The hero training grounds were twice as large as the shooting range before it, but instead of targets, individual sections of the gigantic floor would be made to mimic environments that a hero would have to deal with, including destroyed cities, terrorist hideouts and even a hold—up situation on a skyscraper. The two remaining hero trainees that Kipu was not acquainted with were actually training there at the moment, but they, along with the scientists that were observing their training, were too distracted and allowed the three to slip by onto the next floor.

“Kipu, we’ve never been here before!”

“I have, and it’s pretty weird… Tela and I would come down here if we needed to check up on some of her injuries.”

“Yeah, me and Hardt always wondered what was on the fourth floor, so what’s down here?” 以上内容来自。更多中文H小说尽在。

“A… a goo harvesting facility…”

The fourth floor of the police station now had a completely different look, if it wasn’t obvious already from the hero training grounds before it. Everything had now gone from the usual gray, and blue color of a police station to the futuristic aesthetic of white along with every inch of the floor being reinforced with reinforced steel that would be illuminated by more white color, this time a neon white.

“Crap! Hardt, can you change our clothing to the lab coats of a scientist?”

“Oh, um… that’d be pretty hard to do on a whim! And I’m not that good at full body disguises yet!”

But now that they were in a place of high clearance, scientists were more prevalent than police officers, so immediately after reaching the fourth floor, the three would rush to a secluded room to change clothes.


“Kipu, I don’t know if I can change all three of

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