Little hero and little thief, opposites of each other, but what if they are secretly family? 1/2

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    Being small must be a combat advantage or something if the first hero of the world is only 4'10 as an adult...

    There is quite a bit of plot instead of meat, but I think the next part will be enjoyable.

    Remember to stay tuned for the next part as well!


“Para, admit that you suck!”

“No! I know how to bake from watching those short videos!”

“You ruined, like, three batches already!”

“But you can’t reach the top of your very own fridge!”

In a secluded mansion among the mountains, an infamous thief and their symbiote goo beast partner were trying to bake a cake for one of their birthdays, that being Konga's, the little black cat thief whose birthday they were celebrating, while Para, the muscular, white and yellow cat symbiote, were trying to bake for them. The two had met in a very strange way, because while Konga was finding a place to hide in the slums he had escaped to from a heist gone wrong, he had stumbled upon Para's house, who was living in seclusion as an information broker. 以上内容来自。更多中文H小说尽在。

But when Konga introduced himself to Para as another criminal, Para immediately thought of partnering with them, even when their first idea was to turn the thief into their pet. Their meeting was rocky at first, due to Para stripping Konga naked to harvest his semen to power himself, but afterwards, when Para showed his kindness and special powers to Konga, Konga decided to befriend the symbiote and allowed them to live in their mansion after a great heist that Para had planned for him.

"Just sit down at the table and wait for me to get it right!"

"It's almost 9 PM! I'm not gonna wait until midnight for my cake!"

"Then if you're bored, just shake your tail, and my special tail will treat you!"


"I'm not in the mood… yet…"

"Your sister is picking up pizza, right? She should have been here a few minutes ago."

"Mia? Yeah, but– oh! The doorbell! That must be her!"

Konga was not alone in the thieving business, of course, and his sister, Mia, would be the one to organize his properties and heists, with her now getting help from Para due to a special ability of his that allowed extraction of information on the Internet to be a breeze.

"You know, you two are so weird… Konga, one time, I saw a snake hiding in your laundry. And Para, I caught you stealing Konga's credit card to buy microtransactions on the games you two play." 以上内容来自。更多中文H小说尽在。

"That wasn't a snake… Also, Para, why are you stealing my credit card! You need to ask first!"

"Come on… We're rich! Why do I have to ask permission first…"

"Because you have to use my e wallet for online purchases instead!"

The three were an odd family, seeing that Para was a very recent addition, but the two cat siblings accepted the alien due to their power and unique abilities. Para was experimented on by a secret company to produce super soldier suits using his gooey body, but he had escaped and started to live off of the information he had gathered from the secret company by selling them on the black market. But Para was not the only experiment this company had, as somewhere deep in the metropolis of the biggest city of Marika (rename of America), a secret hero program had been underway to combat villains like Konga.


"Don't worry, everyone! I'm here to save the day!"

"It's White Lightning! We're saved!"

In the central bank of Mew Nork (rename of New York) the only successful candidate of the secret hero program had arrived to stop the heist of several heavily armed criminals, as the city's police and SWAT forces were unfortunately unable to thwart them. And their name was Kipu, or White Lightning, as their hero name. They were fairly young to be a hero, being just a 23-year-old white cat and already risking their lives for the good of the world. But if you were to see them, they were definitely not an adult.

Because Kipu was comparable to a kid in their pre-teens, looking very youthful and was about 4'10. But don't let their appearance deceive you, as this little hero was already trained in hand-to-hand combat and firearms, as well as having a special suit that granted them the powers of lightning. And having been trained secretly with this suit for all their life, Kipu proved to be a capable hero, catching criminals and saving his city from disasters.

"Ooww!!! That little runt's lightning hurts! I need a medic bag!!!" 以上内容来自。更多中文H小说尽在。

"Stand down, criminals, and surrender yourselves!"

Kipu would have a special lightning gun which he would use to funnel the energy of his suit into, shooting it as bolts of lightning that immediately incapacitates anyone shot by it. And using his special gun, he had managed to take down one out of four armed men, who all had clown masks. And the remaining heisters were actually prepared for when Kipu showed up, because as soon as their captured member radioed his appearance before they were knocked out, they had put on rubber suits to protect themselves from electricity.

"Huh, they thought about that? Well, no problem! Tela, help me out!”

And not only was Kipu’s suit capable of empowering him with electricity, but was alive as well, being a blue cat goo beast symbiote that had partnered with the hero. But oddly enough, they were female, which made it awkward for Kipu to do his duty, as when he’d turn to Tela for help, he’d be enveloped by blue goo before receiving four eyes, four ears, and adult limbs that finally made him look like an adult.


“Hehe, are things getting too tough for you, little guy?”

“Err… Not really, they just have rubber protection…”

“Oh well… Leave it to me!”

The transformation happened in the blink of an eye, with Tela enveloping Kipu and forming a bigger suit for her little cat partner. And with this instant transformation, Kipu quickly went on the offensive after briefly hiding from gun fire to transform, immediately downing the robbers who even had titanium shields. But Kipu, with his enhanced body, could strengthen her claws to cut through titanium, easily knocking out and defeating the criminals to save the day.

"Did you enjoy that?" 以上内容来自。更多中文H小说尽在。

"No… I want it to happen in bed…"

"That's how my body works… Don't worry, we still have a date tonight!"


After subduing the criminals and handing them to the police, Kipu would revert back to normal, before Tela would shift into casual clothes as they quickly left the scene before any civilians asked for their autographs. Tela was partnered with Kipu at an early age, allowing the two to bond together, with Kipu recognizing Tela as his beautiful protective girlfriend while Kipu was her cute and defenseless little boyfriend. And so, as the sun set, the two would rush to the restaurant they wanted to spend time in, with Kipu first going into the bathroom to let Tela separate with him and become a real cat beast. The two would then quickly leave and head to their seats, with Kipu having been fitted with a formal suit by Tela's goo, while Tela wore a pretty white dress like the fur of her boyfriend.


"Sigh… Only if we could start a family…"

"Adoption always works! But I do wish to find my family… I don't understand why my boss's company has been so vague as to who my parents or family were, or where I even came from! At least you knew where you came from, which is from space, as well as the other hero trainees with their families… I hope they graduate like me some day."

"Don't fret it. I'm sure you'll find them some day. And also, I guess this will be our celebration for your birthday, since, you know, we were busy yesterday."

"I know… So… shall we get started?"

"Of course! Now, open your mouth and let me feed you!" 以上内容来自。更多中文H小说尽在。

"Alright! Aaaaa…"

The two were living quite the content life, being quite the rich hero and having an expensive apartment in the tallest skyscrapers of their city. But as Kipu had pondered, he wished to find his family, so in the next day after the two's date and subsequent birthday gift of intimate kissing at the park, Kipu would try to find traces of his family by sending DNA samples of himself to a hereditary studying company before going to do hero work for today.

"Kipu, do you copy?"



"Good, we need to talk about a big mission."

"What is it?"

"Come to the base, so we can talk about it."

"Give me a minute! I'm helping an old l

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