神界篇 · 十五 支离之初

  • 简介

2012年12月21日 00:23:09



蒂娜听出了妖子的意思,懊恼地劝阻着:“No, Youko!We have to stop him!”


“在。” 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。





“You want to stop me? You have to tell me why should I stop!”巫山也做好了直接应对的准备,毕竟妖子退出后,一对一的胜算会大出很多。

蒂娜仍然不和巫山多费口舌,手中不知何时又擎起了那把原本已被巫山废去的中古十字长剑,剑锋依旧锐利,剑身毫发无损。 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。


蒂娜对巫山的自寻死路颇感讶异:“Why don’t you dodge?”

巫山低头看着刺入身体的剑刃:“Because I know I can’t.”


“I’m not dodging you, Tina……If I do that, I give up the chance to convince you to trust me.”

蒂娜无法相信,巫山竟仍然抱着这样愚蠢到不可理喻的幻想:“You are wrong, BOY, you are totally wrong……I do trust you, I can trust everything you say, but I just……can’t let you keep moving on. Do you understand what I mean?” 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。

“How?”巫山的声音虚弱而低沉,“How could I understand……if you don’t tell me why?”

“You want to know why?!”蒂娜突然厉声反问道,“Then you tell me first, why are we here?”


“would you tell me first, why are we getting into this damn Doom’s Day mess? Isn’t it because of you? Would you tell me first, why my sister became a mermaid? Wasn’t it because of you? Would you tell me why does it have to be us? Would you tell me? Please!”


“I don’t know, Tina……”巫山平静地开口道,“I’m sorry, I can’t tell you why does it have to be us, I don’t know a lot of answers……of a lot of things. We all DO have our own family, our own life……and we thought that we would’ve stayed in school, grown up, played with our friends……and got an ordinary job. I would’ve found a girl to fell in love with, and you would’ve got that man of your life……All these could have been happened.” 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。


“And all these CAN be happened. I mean it, Tina.”巫山的声音略微高昂了一些,“Even if they say that this is the Doom’s Day!There has to be someone or something bigger to defend our little dreams!And I think, I’m here, I’ve got the chance to change my destiny by my own hands, to defend my dreams!To save all the people that I care about!So I tell myself, I’m the one who chose to be here, not because of destiny or anything that I have to accept, but because I WANT TO!I WANT TO correct all the wrong things, I WANT TO turn the world back to where it was!And I WANT TO be here and meet you, Tina……Now I’m standing here, looking at you, I realize that……I’m so lucky, to have you here, to create our own destiny together.”

蒂娜听到巫山的最后一句话,沉默良久,原本冰冷肃杀的目光中开始闪烁出一点柔和的光芒:“And you……you will get us out of this?You will get my sister’s legs back?”

“I can’t say ‘Yes’, but I’m going to do that, if you let me.”

蒂娜终于开始卸下防备,放开剑柄,上前两步,伸手扶住因重伤而无法继续站立的巫山:“I……I’m sorry, BOY. I just don’t know what to say……but……I probably start to understand why Sharon believes in you……I hurt you really bad……Lie down on the ground……”蒂娜将巫山抱在怀中,扶着他慢慢坐下。

“妖子……”巫山努力朝妖子所在的方向看去。 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。


“No……No, Youko……Not now……”蒂娜仿佛意识到了什么,表情变得惊慌起来。



蒂娜回过神来,慌忙用力将刚刚倒地的巫山重新搀扶起来:“Get up, get up, BOY……Let’s go, let’s get out of here……”

“Why?……What’s happening to Youko?Tell me……”巫山一边艰难地站起,一边急切地问道。 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。

“She’s being bloodthirsty, she’s losing her mind!Hurry up, Go!”蒂娜用肩膀撑起巫山的身体,准备迅速离开。

“No!No, Tina!We can’t……”巫山抗拒着。



“You don’t understand, BOY!She’s a Vampire!If you stay here, she’s going to drain all of your blood OFF!”蒂娜歇斯底里地喊道。

巫山难以置信地看着蜷缩在地上全身打颤的妖子愣住了。突然他抬起左手,将插在胸前的利剑用力拔出。 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。






“安琪……” 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。


2012年12月21日 00:41:33

Taylah’s Massage:“Got Annie here. Thank you very much.”

Hotaru’s Massage:“不必言谢,这不是我的功劳。绯月辛苦替我跑了一趟,我只是派朱雀在旁帮了点忙。” 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。

Taylah’s Massage:“Almost couldn’t catch the time……She’s so adorable, you should come and see her.”

Hotaru’s Massage:“朱雀来报,那小子已经杀到天蝎座,我们的时间不多了,要及早准备。还有,风花不见了。”

Taylah’s Massage:“Hana?She’s not on the island?”

Hotaru’s Massage:“白羊是不是还在你手上?”

Taylah’s Massage:“She’s still here, Moe’s staying with her. I will watch closer.”

Hotaru’s Massage:“那个人族呢?” 以上内容来自hlib.cc。更多中文H小说尽在hlib.cc。

Taylah’s Massage:“In the dungeon. She can’t get out.”

Hotaru’s Massage:“我没能抓住雪月手下那三个人。她们身边有SAKI保护,朱雀奈何不了她们。她们已经找到了小司云。”

Taylah’s Massage:“Don’t blame yourself, you’ve done so much.”

Hotaru’s Massage:“风花和雪月都在我们的视线之外,我很不喜欢这种感觉。如果我们能离开魔界,我一定能亲自找到她们。”

Taylah’s Massage:“You know we can’t, yet, the SEAL’s still there……but will be neutralised very soon.

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